Dear Reader!
In one of my previous articles, I told you about how much the bloggers make on a monthly basis. Just to catch you up, some of them make staggering amount of money between $10,000 to $35,000 per month. You can read more about that article here.
If you already had the idea or got a glimpse of it right now after reading the previous article, and want to start your own blog, I am going to lay down the steps for starting a blog – a successful one.
First thing first, what is a successful blog. The one that makes money for the blogger!
The foremost criteria for starting a blog is to have an idea. A cool idea! An idea you can talk, read, and write for hours, days, and month. Ok, so the first key to a successful blog is a cool idea. Let us discuss little bit what is a cool idea and who decides whether an idea is cool or not.
The last key step is to monetize your blog. What is that? How to make your blog your start making the money. I have laid down some easy to use marketing techniques that will start your piggy bank ringing here.