Dear Reader!
Do wish to become a millionaire? Do you know how to get there? I betcha you don’t! Believe me you are not the only one/ There are a bunch of folks out there who dream to hit that number but do not have any clue how to achieve that. In this article I am going to discuss two most basic things any individual will need in order to reach that sweet number.
Let me first tell you. Millionaire is nothing but a number. If people plan, act and act consistently towards this goal anyone can attain this number. Have you ever wondered about the value of a $1 bill? Do you really cars if you have to spend a dollar on something. May be you do card. Let us go to an even smaller scale. How about a penny! Would you care if you drop a penny. Certainly not! How about 5 pennies! I betcha you won’t. I have see uncountable number of people who would not bother to bend down to pick the penny they have dropped. There are hundreds of pennies lying on the floors of gas stations, shopping plazas etc. We donot pay attention, because we do not care about them. Don’t believe me! I did a simple test to find out some stats. For the last 6 months I had been paying more attention to the money lying on the floor not one even caring to look at forget about claiming. I ended up collecting exactly $32.72 cents. Forget about a penny lying on the ground fallen from someone pocket. Let us do a simple maths! A dollar contain 100 pennies and 1 million dollars contain 100,000,000. Just owning this many pennies will make you a millionaire. Is that a lot of pennies! Yes they are. I am not telling you to go visit the gas stations and become a penny picker and collect that many pennies to become a millionaire. If you do you will become a millionaire though! I just wanted to give you an idea of the value of pennies. This was an important concept to learn in order to implement the first step.
- Follow a budget. Track all your expenses
- Don’t spend money rather invest it. Invest in yourself. That will help you grow your income and invest in the investments
- Begin tracking your net worth
Do you know why most people do not reach their destination? Because they do not know where they are heading.
So it is imperative that you follow a written a path. You will reach there!!